Welcome to Roberts Business Machines, Inc., your complete source for new, used, and quality rebuilt mailing equipment. With over 35 years experience in the Mailing Industry, we customize and automate the way you do business with high speed inserters, paper folders, tabbers, ink jets, feeders and more. We sell and service machines by Pitney Bowes, Bell & Howell, Mailcrafters and other quality manufacturers. In addition we also purchase entire mail rooms and do equipment consulting. We now stock parts for the following: Pitney Bowes Flowmaster inserters, Bell & Howell inserters, GBR 420, 438 Feeder-Accumulator-Folders and more.
Our skilled staff works with your company to provide you with cost saving equipment to help your company compete in today’s marketplace.
Roberts Business Machines, Inc. offers a full line of mailing equipment and mailing machines: